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Practice/Game Day

Here are some tips from the PVU staff:

At Park Valley United FC, we believe that the club staff, coaches, parents, and players are all connected parts in your family’s soccer experience.  What can you do as a soccer parent to assist in your child having a positive soccer experience? 


On Time

Arrive to practice and games 5-10 minutes earlier than the arrival time to be prepared to begin on time.  “Early is on time and on time is late.” Being late happens, if it occurs, make sure your player is ready to go so they can begin activity as soon as they arrive.


Positive Attitude

Discuss with your player on the way to practice and games about the expectation for their positive attitude, effort, and behavior towards their teammates, coaches and opponents.

Parent Role


As a parent, focus on the benefits of the game, rather than the score.  Your player will take your reaction to the game's result as the norm. They’ll then relate their experience to the result of the game, which is counterproductive.  Instead, ask them if they had fun or that you enjoyed watching them play.



Parents shall place the safety and welfare of players above the value of winning.


Parents shall encourage all players to play within the Laws of the Game and within the spirit of the game at all times.


Parents shall encourage and condone appropriate behavior from players in any situation.


Parents shall afford to opponents (including coaches and supporters) the respect expected by the Laws of the Game and the spirit of competition.


Parents shall encourage and expect players to engage in fair-play without the intent of causing injury to an opponent.


Parents shall not engage in any physical or verbal confrontation with any opposing player, coach, or supporter.


Parents shall be aware of the Laws of the Game and shall encourage players to adhere to the letter and spirit of the Laws of the Game. 


Parents shall support team leadership.


Parents shall not “coach” or offer any advice to players during the game


Parents shall extend respect and courtesy to match and competition officials at all times.


Parents shall not directly or indirectly engage officials at any time before, during or after the game.


Parents shall not incite players, coaches or spectators into conduct towards officials that is contrary to the Laws of the Game.


Parents shall use their influence and authority to deter inappropriate conduct by supporters towards officials and opponents.


Parents shall comply with the rules, policies and procedures established by TCSL/MYSA/USYS/US Club Soccer and the applicable Member Organization.


Parents shall become aware of the rules, policies and procedures of TCSL/MYSA/USYS/US Club Soccer and the applicable Member Organization regarding player and team eligibility, team formation, and recruiting.


Parents shall refer disputes, appeals and disciplinary reports to proper authorities as designed by TCSL/MYSA/USYS/US Club Soccer and the applicable Member Organization.


I/We understand that improper behavior at a match, practice, or other PVUFC sponsored activity may result in a parent being asked to leave the field or the event by a referee, team official, or PVUFC official Board Member.


I/We understand that (upon review) PVUFC, TCSL, MYSA, USYS, US Club Soccer or other organizations can, and will if necessary, suspend our privilege to watch our child play should we behave in a manner that violates the Parent Code of Conduct


Park Valley United FC prohibits coaches from being alone with one youth. A second adult must be present at all times. ​ANYPLACE. ANYWHERE. This is to provide a safe environment for youth, minimize risk to coaches and the club from misperceptions and wrongful accusations.


What steps should teams take?

  • Communicate, Communicate, Communicate. With your coaches, managers, parents, and players.

  • Establish schedule/plan/expectations for drop off and pick ups. Having a 2nd adult present before and after practices and games until all players have been picked up​.

  • Document and share challenges/incidents with PUVFC Board of Directors.

    Items to keep in mind

  • Coaches are ​NOT​ allowed to transport players in their cars (parent exception)

  • In severe weather, players may wait in coach’s car. If only 1 player, coach waits outside.

  • Public spaces may allow for 1:1 coach:player safe setting during active times of day.

  • Players should not be left alone.

Referee Zero Tolerance Abuse Policy

This policy has been developed to address the growing (and unfortunate) trend of referee abuse in youth sports, in general, and youth soccer, in particular. Our policy, as set forth below, is simple: Any physical or verbal abuse of referees is as unacceptable as physical or verbal abuse of players. It is never acceptable for spectators to criticize referees, verbally or otherwise, at a Park Valley United FC event.


Our Policy

Spectators shall not address any member of the referee crew in a negative manner – physically, verbally, or with gestures – during or after a game. Spectators also shall not make any comments in an effort to “help” a referee make a call or suggest that a certain call should or should not be made. While complimentary comments to referees are certainly fine, a good rule of thumb for spectators is simply not to engage with the referees in any way during or after a game. Just keep quiet and let the referees do their job to the best of their ability.


This policy is not intended to suggest that referees are always correct. Clearly, referees will make mistakes. This is particularly true with respect to our youth referees who are learning how to officiate games and are sometimes asked to referee games at a higher level than they may be comfortable officiating. When mistakes are made, there are procedures for PVUFC coaches to report concerns about the quality of the officiating. But it is never acceptable for a spectator to abuse or criticize a game official, verbally or otherwise, in any situation.

A plea of ignorance to this policy shall not excuse behavior that violates this policy. It should be obvious to all those involved with youth sports that referee abuse of any type is not acceptable.


Reporting Violations of this Policy

Anyone may report violations of this policy by sending an email to​. If a report contains sufficient information, PVUFC will look into the situation and, if appropriate, impose disciplinary sanctions on any persons who are found to have violated this policy. PVUFC will not reveal the identity of any person reporting a violation of this policy in the course of investigating a report.


Disciplinary Sanctions for Referee Abuse

The PVUFC Board of Directors may, in its discretion, impose disciplinary sanctions on any spectator it finds to have violated this policy.


Sanctions may include, but are not limited to, warnings, game suspensions and, in egregious cases, suspension for the remainder of the season, suspension for multiple seasons, and a permanent ban from PVUFC activities. Egregious cases include repeated or multiple incidents of abuse, physical contact with a referee and exceptionally inappropriate behavior directed toward a referee.

Although abuse of any referee will not be tolerated, abuse of a youth referee will be treated as a more serious violation of this policy.


Applicability of the Policy

This policy applies to spectators. Player conduct shall be addressed by the player’s coach and MYSA/TCSL rules regarding player discipline. PVUFC families are expected to make spectators accompanying them to PVUFC games aware of this policy.

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PVU Partners with Soccer Parenting Association

We are committed to helping your child feel inspired about soccer.  With that in mind, we have secured a membership to the Soccer Parent Resource Center for all the parents and coaches in the club.


At the Soccer Parent Resource Center you will find monthly webinars for parents, articles and interviews with tips and advice, guidance and support, and an engaging Community forum to help you support your child in soccer.


To gain access to your free membership and all the great content at simple follow the link below to register.



We are proud to be a Club Member of the Soccer Parenting Association. We believe youth soccer parents will be difference makers when it comes to improving the game and we believe a more collaborative environment between coach, parent, club and player is in the best interest of player development.


The mission of the Soccer Parenting Association is to Inspire Players by Empowering Parents and we hope you dive in to the content and community at the!


Again – to gain free access, simply click on this URL and register.



PVUFC Uniform Kit

We're excited to partner with Planet Soccer and NIKE for the Park Valley United FC uniform!


2024-2026 Uniform Kit includes:

  • 2 jerseys (white & black) - youth & adult sizes are available in men's & women's styles

  • 1 pair of shorts (black)

  • 1 pair of socks (black)

  • 1 scrimmage vests (1 blue & 1 orange)

In addition, individual and/or extra pieces can be ordered through the Park Valley United FC online uniform store.

Jersey Numbers

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The club will allocate uniform numbers to players, based on their age group.  This allows us to avoid duplicate numbers within age groups and when players guest with teams at a higher age group.
Please do not request a number as we are unable to accommodate special requests.

Ordering Your Uniform

STEP 1- Upon accepting a roster place on a Park Valley United FC team the club will indicate what uniform you are expected to purchase (Kit A or Kit B; Outfield v Goalkeeper);

STEP 2- Once the club inserts your player name; roster # and contact email address, Planet Soccer will issue you with email with full instructions on how to order uniform online. Items listed are 'required' (compulsory items needed to participate in this team) or 'recommended' (additional items available for purchase). If you have multiple players you will receive multiple emails.  Don't see the email?  First check your spam/junk folder.  If you still can't find it, let us know.


STEP 3- Purchased items will be available for pick up at the Uptown Planet Soccer store or distributed by your team manager, but please allow for delay in busy periods.


NOTE- Park Valley United FC is on a 2 year uniform cycle beginning August 2018 and ending July 2020.  


Questions? Contact Club Manager Joe Ginsburg

Planet Soccer Discount

When shopping at the Minneapolis Planet Soccer, let them know that you're a PVUFC member and you'll receive 10% off your purchase.  (Coaches & Managers get 20% off team purchases.)

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©2020 by Park Valley United FC


Proudly Serving St. Louis Park Soccer, Golden Valley Soccer, Hopkins Soccer, Minneapolis Soccer, Edina Soccer, New Hope Soccer, Crystal Soccer, Robbinsdale Soccer, Plymouth Soccer, Minnesota Soccer, Recreational Soccer, Competitive Soccer.

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